Lowongan Kerja Access Programmer
We are from PT BUANA CAPITAL Member of Indonesia Stock Exchange seeking for professional, ambitious, and highly motivated to join our team to fill the following positions:
Microsoft Access Programmer
*Experience developing Microsoft Access ADP (VBA,Function,Class ) min 2+ year.
*Experience developing SQL Server (Store *Procedure, Function Triger and tuning) min 2+ year.
*have good knowledge of network, security system
*Can develop/administrate a website from scratch/raw design into well-developed website is plus
General Requirements:
Must be discipline, honest, self-motivated, creative, willing to work independently or as a learn player.
Interest candidates should email their detail resumes together with references, contact number and expected salary.
Send details to:
Please the attachments max 500 kb should be format pdf/doc in a ZIP file. Only short listed candidates will be notified by mobile phone, please check your mobile phone’s number is correct.
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