Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 10:52
PT WIKA Realty, anak perusahaan PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. yang bergerak di bidang Real Estate, Property Management dan Konstruksi membutuhkan tenaga potensial untuk posisi :

Kualifikasi :

Pendidikan min. D3/S1 Teknik Sipil dengan IPK min. 2.75.
Pria usia maksimal 35 tahun.
Berpengalaman dalam menyiapkan rancangan / desain berikut perhitungan teknis atas pekerjaan – pekerjaan struktur.
Bersedia di tempatkan diseluruh wilayah operasi perusahaan.
Kirimkan lamaran Anda dengan dilampiri CV, copy KTP, copy ijazah & transkrip nilai, pasfoto beserta dokumen pendukung lainnya paling lambat ke alamat :

Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 3-4
Jakarta Timur 13340
Atau e-mail ke : sdm@wikarealty.co.id


Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 10:51
Kami perusahaan Penerbitan dan Percetakan Buku Kristiani, mengajak Anda yang
menyukai TANTANGAN dan BERKOMITMEN tinggi untuk bergabung bersama kami
posisi sebagai :
· Pria usia max 35 thn
· Pendidikan min SMK Grafika
· Pengalaman min 1 thn di mesin cetak
· Bersedia kerja Shift
· Dapat diajak bekerja sama dan
Kirim Surat Lamaran dan CV
lengkap ke:
Jl. Kwitang no.22-23
Jakarta 10420
recruitment@bpkgm.com (max 2KB)

Dijual CEPAT ---> CNC Wire Cut EDM & Hole Drilling EDM (2nd)

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 05:50
Dear All

Bersama ini, kami tawarkan 3 Unit Mesin (2nd) sbb:

Model: AQ535L
Tahun: 2003

Model: AQ325L
Tahun: 2005

Model: CM-H30A
Brand: CHMER
Tahun: 2003

Kami jual dg harga (Total 3 Mesin): Rp 1,75 Milyar (Bisa dinego)
--> Harga tidak termasuk Jasa Pengangkutan

Note: Siapa yg cepat & harga cocok, dialah yg mendapatkannya.
Kondisi masih Mulus & Jika anda ingin Cek kondisinya, bisa datang langsung ke tempat kami di daerah Pasar Kemis Gembor Tangerang (Sebelumnya konfirmasi dulu, untuk pengaturan waktu)

Fasilitas: Free Tempat 1 Tahun untuk Produksi , jika anda belum siap membawa mesin2nya ke tempat anda.

Jika ada yang berminat, silahkan menghubungi:
Adi Sulistyo (08159408707)

jgn lupa reply email saya, jika anda berminat menawarkan bisnis ini ke rekan2 anda,
jadi jika ada progress hanya akan saya confirm ke orang2 yg sdh mereply email ini.

Lowongan PTP Nusantara XI (Persero)

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 19:31
PTP Nusantara XI (Persero), BUMN Perkebunan dengan wilayah kerja di Jawa Timur mengundang tenaga potensial yang memiliki integritas, gigih, ulet, mau bekerja keras, berani menghadapi tantangan, dan memiliki motivasi diri tinggi untuk menduduki jabatan Sinder Tanaman dan Masinis Pabrik, dengan latar belakang pendidikan sebagai berikut:
S1 Pertanian Program Studi Agronomi (Kode: TAN)

S1 Teknik Mesin Program Studi Konversi Energi (Kode: MES)

S1 Teknik Elektro Program Studi Sistem Tenaga (Kode: ELK)

* Warga Negara Indonesia, lahir setelah 31 Mei 1981
* IPK minimal 2,75 (PTS) atau 3,00 (PTN)
* Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja perusahaan
* Karena sifat pekerjaan yang dilakukan, dibutuhkan laki-laki
* Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat dari Instansi atau Badan Hukum Pemerintah maupun swasta
* Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian yang menerangkan tidak pernah dihukum karena melakukan tindak kejahatan
* Surat Keterangan Sehat, Tidak Buta Warna, dan Bebas Narkoba dari dokter

Kirimkan surat lamaran disertai fotokopi ijazah S1 dan traskrip nilai (dilegalisir), pas foto 4X6 terbaru 3 lembar (tulis nama di belakang masing-masing foto), Curriculum Vitae (Daftar riwayat hidup dan pekerjaan) dilengkapi no. telepon yang mudah dihubungi, fotokopi KTP yang masih berlaku, dan persyaratan administrasi lainnya seperti tersebut di atas, ditujukan kepada:

Panitia Seleksi XI R5
Lembaga Pendidikan Perkebunan
Assessment Center
Jl. Urip Sumoharjo 100 Yogyakarta – 55222

* Sebutkan kode formasi yang sesuai di sebelah kiri atas amplop lamaran.
* Surat lamaran diterima Panitia paling lambat tanggal 19 Juni 2010.
* Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipanggil mengikuti seleksi.
* Surat lamaran menjadi milik Panitia.
* Pengumuman peserta yang dipanggil untuk mengikuti Tes Tahap I dapat dilihat melalui website LPP pada tanggal 25 Juni 2010.
* Keputusan Panitia bersifat mutlak. Panitia tidak melayani surat-meyurat & telepon yang berkaitan dengan hasil tes.
* Proses seleksi akan diadakan di Yogyakarta. Selama proses seleksi, akomodasi dan transportasi tidak ditanggung Perusahaan.

Penerimaan berkas lamaran untuk Rekrutmen dan Seleksi Calon Karyawan PTPN Nusantara XI (Persero) diperpanjang sampai tanggal 19 Juni 2010 (Paling lambat diterima panitia). Hasil seleksi administrasi akan diumumkan melalui website LPP: www.lpp.ac.id pada tanggal 25 Juni 2010.

Lowongan Kerja Swasta Kawasaki

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 19:29
PT. Kawasaki Motor Indonesia was estabilised in Indonesia on 18 Februari 1994 as a joint venture company between Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. – Japan, with one company in Indonesia, PT. Sumber Selatan Nusa. The company business field is two wheel vehicle manufacturer and components with KAWASAKI brand. The commercials production was begun in March 1995. The company form sales network in all over Indonesia with service facility and spare parts supplies.

Male/Female, max. age 25 years old
Graduated from D3 Accounting
1-year experience (Fresh graduate are welcome to apply)
Basic English Proficiency
Please submit your CV and recent photograph to:

Lowongan Bank BRI (Account Officer) Bandung

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 19:23
Bank BRI Merupakan salah satu Bank Pemerintah Terbesar di Indonesia yang melayani hampir seluruh lapisan masyarakat Indonesia. Klien kami, sebuah Perbankan besar di Indonesia, mengundang anda untuk mengikuti:


dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :

1. Warga Negara Indonesia, diutamakan yang berdomisili di Jawa Barat
2. Pendidikan minimal S1 Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Perguruan Tinggi Swasta dari semua fakultas/jurusan yang terakreditasi, diutamakan Jurusan Ekonomi dan Bisnis
3. Memiliki SIM A atau C
4. Berbadan sehat dan tidak buta warna
5. Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK)
Minimal 2,75 (Skala 4) Tanpa Pengalaman Kerja
Minimal 2,60 (Skala 4) Dengan Pengalaman Kerja bidang Marketing atau yang relevan minimal 1 tahun
6. Usia
Maksimal 25 th (belum berulang tahun ke-26 pada tgl 26 Juni 2010) Tanpa Pengalaman Kerja (Kode Form Lamaran A)
Maksimal 30 th (belum berulang tahun ke-31 pada tgl 26 Juni 2010) Dengan Pengalaman Kerja di bidang Marketing atau yang relevan minimal 1 tahun (Kode Form Lamaran B)
7. Bersedia untuk ditempatkan di seluruh Unit Kerja BRI Wilayah Propinsi Jawa Barat

Surat lamaran & CV dibuat sesuai format yang didownload dari www.binapotensiaindonesia.com (Panitia hanya menerima dan memproses lamaran dengan format CV sesuai yang ditetapkan) beserta dengan hasil scan Ijazah, dan Transkrip Nilai, CV dikirimkan via email ke alamat :

* bpirekrutmen01@gmail.com (peserta domisili Bandung, Cimahi, Subang dan Majalaya)
* bpirekrutmen02@gmail.com (peserta domisili Cianjur, Cibadak, Purwakarta, Sukabumi, Sumedang, Garut, Singaparna, Tasikmalaya, Banjar dan Ciamis).
* bpirekrutmen03@gmail.com (peserta domisili Cirebon, Indramayu, Jatibarang, Kuningan, Majalengka, Pamanukan, dan kota lain yang tidak disebutkan)

Adapun persyaratan lain yang harus dibawa pada saat seleksi dan disimpan dalam map biru, yaitu :
1. Fotocopy KTP
2. Fotocopy Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai yang telah dilegalisir
3. KTP, Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai asli
4. Surat Keterangan tidak buta warna dan berbadan sehat dari dokter
5. Akte Kelahiran Asli
6. 2 lembar Pas foto terbaru ukuran 2 x 3
7. Surat Keterangan Telah Berhenti Bekerja dari Perusahaan (untuk pelamar berpengalaman kerja)

1. Proses Seleksi terdiri dari: Seleksi Administrasi, Seleksi Potensi pendukung kompetensi (Tes pendahuluan, Tes Psikologi, dan Depth Interview), dan Seleksi akhir (Wawancara User dan Tes kesehatan)
2. Hanya pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus yang akan diikutsertakan dalam tahap berikutnya
3. Keputusan setiap tahap seleksi bersifat final, menggunakan sistem gugur, serta tidak dapat diganggu gugat
4. Pengumuman dan pemanggilan peserta yang lulus di setiap tahapan seleksi hanya dilakukan melalui situs www.binapotensiaindonesia.com

1. Pelamar tidak perlu menyertakan dokumen selain yang disebutkan pada butir B dan lamaran yang sudah dikirimkan tidak dapat dikembalikan.
2. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan administratif (butir A) dan menyampaikan lamarannya sesuai dengan ketentuan butir B yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi.
3. Dalam proses seleksi, pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
4. Semua proses pelaksanaan seleksi diselenggarakan di Bandung, biaya dari dan ke tempat pelaksanaan seleksi, menjadi tanggung jawab pelamar.
5. Pelamar dihimbau untuk mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan dalam proses seleksi ini.

Penyampaian lamaran via email, selambat-lambatnya dikirimkan pada hari Jumat, 18 Juni 2010 pukul 23.59. Pengumuman hasil seleksi administrasi akan diumumkan pada website www.binapotensiaindonesia.com pada hari Rabu, 23 Juni 2010.

Tips melamar pekerjaan

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 10:14
Job Interview Tips

An interview gives you the opportunity to showcase your qualifications to an employer, so it pays to be well prepared. The following information provides some helpful hints.

Learn about the organization.

Have a specific job or jobs in mind.
Review your qualifications for the job.

Be ready to briefly describe your experience, showing how it relates it the job.
Be ready to answer broad questions, such as “Why should I hire you?” “Why do you want this job?” “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”

Practice an interview with a friend or relative. More....
Evaluating a Job Offer

Once you receive a job offer, you must decide if you want the job. Fortunately, most organizations will give you a few days to accept or reject an offer.
There are many issues to consider when assessing a job offer. Will the organization be a good place to work? Will the job be interesting? Are there opportunities for advancement? Is the salary fair? Does the employer offer good benefits? Now is the time to ask the potential employer about these issues—and to do some checking on your own.

The organization. Background information on an organization can help you to decide whether it is a good place for you to work. Factors to consider include the organization’s business or activity, financial condition, age, size, and location.

You generally can get background information on an organization, particularly a large organization, on its Internet site or by telephoning its public relations office. A public company’s annual report to the stockholders tells about its corporate philosophy, history, products or services, goals, and financial status. Most government agencies can furnish reports that describe their programs and missions. Press releases, company newsletters or magazines, and recruitment brochures also can be useful. Ask the organization for any other items that might interest a prospective employee. If possible, speak to current or former employees of the organization.

Background information on the organization may be available at your public or school library. If you cannot get an annual report, check the library for reference directories that may provide basic facts about the company, such as earnings, products and services, and number of employees. Some directories widely available in libraries either in print or as online databases include:

Dun & Bradstreet’s Million Dollar Directory Standard and Poor’s Register of Corporations Mergent’s Industrial Review (formerly Moody’s Industrial Manual) Thomas Register of American Manufacturers Ward’s Business Directory
Stories about an organization in magazines and newspapers can tell a great deal about its successes, failures, and plans for the future. You can identify articles on a company by looking under its name in periodical or computerized indexes in libraries, or by using one of the Internet’s search engines. However, it probably will not be useful to look back more than 2 or 3 years.

The library also may have government publications that present projections of growth for the industry in which the organization is classified. Long-term projections of employment and output for detailed industries, covering the entire U.S. economy, are developed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and revised every 2 years. Trade magazines also may include articles on the trends for specific industries.

Career centers at colleges and universities often have information on employers that is not available in libraries. Ask a career center representative how to find out about a particular organization.
During your research consider the following questions:

Does the organization’s business or activity match your own interests and beliefs?
It is easier to apply yourself to the work if you are enthusiastic about what the organization does.

How will the size of the organization affect you?

Large firms generally offer a greater variety of training programs and career paths, more managerial levels for advancement, and better employee benefits than do small firms. Large employers also may have more advanced technologies. However, many jobs in large firms tend to be highly specialized.

Jobs in small firms may offer broader authority and responsibility, a closer working relationship with top management, and a chance to clearly see your contribution to the success of the organization.
Should you work for a relatively new organization or one that is well established?

New businesses have a high failure rate, but for many people, the excitement of helping to create a company and the potential for sharing in its success more than offset the risk of job loss. However, it may be just as exciting and rewarding to work for a young firm that already has a foothold on success.

The job. Even if everything else about the job is attractive, you will be unhappy if you dislike the day-to-day work. Determining in advance whether you will like the work may be difficult. However, the more you find out about the job before accepting or rejecting the offer, the more likely you are to make the right choice. Consider the following questions:
Where is the job located? If the job is in another section of the country, you need to consider the cost of living, the availability of housing and transportation, and the quality of educational and recreational facilities in that section of the country. Even if the job location is in your area, you should consider the time and expense of commuting.

Does the work match your interests and make good use of your skills? The duties and responsibilities of the job should be explained in enough detail to answer this question.
How important is the job to the company or organization? An explanation of where you fit in the organization and how you are supposed to contribute to its overall goals should give you an idea of the job’s importance.

What will the hours be? Most jobs involve regular hours—for example, 40 hours a week, during the day, Monday through Friday. Other jobs require night, weekend, or holiday work. In addition, some jobs routinely require overtime to meet deadlines or sales or production goals, or to better serve customers. Consider the effect that the work hours will have on your personal life.
How long do most people who enter this job stay with the company? High turnover can mean dissatisfaction with the nature of the work or something else about the job.

Opportunities offered by employers. A good job offers you opportunities to learn new skills, increase your earnings, and rise to positions of greater authority, responsibility, and prestige. A lack of opportunities can dampen interest in the work and result in frustration and boredom.
The company should have a training plan for you. What valuable new skills does the company plan to teach you?

The employer should give you some idea of promotion possibilities within the organization. What is the next step on the career ladder? If you have to wait for a job to become vacant before you can be promoted, how long does this usually take? When opportunities for advancement do arise, will you compete with applicants from outside the company? Can you apply for jobs for which you qualify elsewhere within the organization, or is mobility within the firm limited?
Salaries and benefits. When an employer makes a job offer, information about earnings and benefits are usually included. You will want to research to determine if the offer is fair. If you choose to negotiate for higher pay and better benefits, objective research will help you strengthen your case.

You may have to go to several sources for information. One of the best places to start is the information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
You should also look for additional information, specifically tailored to your job offer and circumstances. Try to find family, friends, or acquaintances who recently were hired in similar jobs. Ask your teachers and the staff in placement offices about starting pay for graduates with your qualifications. Help-wanted ads in newspapers sometimes give salary ranges for similar positions. Check the library or your school’s career center for salary surveys such as those conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers or various professional associations.

If you are considering the salary and benefits for a job in another geographic area, make allowances for differences in the cost of living, which may be significantly higher in a large metropolitan area than in a smaller city, town, or rural area.
You also should learn the organization’s policy regarding overtime. Depending on the job, you may or may not be exempt from laws requiring the employer to compensate you for overtime. Find out how many hours you will be expected to work each week and whether you receive overtime pay or compensatory time off for working more than the specified number of hours in a week.

Also take into account that the starting salary is just that—the start. Your salary should be reviewed on a regular basis; many organizations do it every year. How much can you expect to earn after 1, 2, or 3 or more years? An employer cannot be specific about the amount of pay if it includes commissions and bonuses.
Benefits also can add a lot to your base pay, but they vary widely. Find out exactly what the benefit package includes and how much of the cost you must bear.

Lowongan Migas OCB Indonesia

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 10:12
kontrak jangka panjang. -

1. Driller (IWCF/Well Cap)
2. Asst Driller (IWCF/Wellcap)
3. Derrickman
4. Pumpman
5. Crane Operator (MIGAS Level 3)
6. Electricians
7. Mechanics
8. Doctor
9. Asst Barge Engineer
10. Deck Foreman
11. Radio Operator (GMDSS)
12. Asst Electrician
13. Asst Mechanic
14. Welder (6G MIGAS)
15. Motorman
16. Asst Crane Operator (MIGAS)
17. Paint Foreman
18. Maintenance Roustabout
19. Floorman
20. Banksman
21. Materialsman
22. Warehouseman
23. Logistics Coordinator
24. Painter

• Experience on cyber rigs for position 1, 2, 3, 4 will be an added advantage
- • Pengalaman di rig cyber untuk posisi 1, 2, 3, 4 akan menjadi keuntungan tambahan -
• All crew are required to have good English skills
- • Semua posisi diwajibkan untuk memiliki keterampilan bahasa Inggris yang baik -
• MUST have a minimum of 2 years experience in position applied for on offshore drilling rig only (Drillship, Jackup, Semisubmersible, Tenders)
- • Harus memiliki minimal 2 tahun pengalaman di posisi yang ditawarkan hanya untuk di rig pengeboran lepas pantai (pengeboran, jackup, pipelay, tender) -

APPLY IMMEDIATELY in structured format with copies of education certificates, MIGAS certification, work experience certificates, 6 photos, passport copies to:
- SEGERA MENDAFTAR dalam format terstruktur dengan fotocopy sertifikat pendidikan, sertifikasi Migas, sertifikat pengalaman kerja, photo 6 lembar, fotocopy paspor: -

EMAIL : jobs.jakarta@ocbme.com


PT OCB Indonesia (Jakarta)
Gading River View, Rukan City Home, Blok M, No.10, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14240
Fax. (021) 45870953


PT OCB Indonesia (Balikpapan)
Ruko Fantasi Junction 3, No. 30, Kompleks Balikpapan Baru, Jl. MT Haryono, Balikpapan 76114, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
Fax. (0542) 7212191

Lowongan kerja Swasta BCA finance

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 08:08
Sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pembiayaan otomotif dari Group BCA yang sedang berkembang pesat. Seiring dengan perkembangan bisnis kami ke sektor pembiayaan kendaraan roda dua (dua), saat ini kami membutuhkan professional tangguh dan berkualitas untuk BERKEMBANG dan BERKARIR bersama kami pada posisi

lowongan S1

Sebuah program pengembangan komprehensif di bidang usaha pembiayaan roda dua yang ditujukan bagi lulusan terbaik untuk menjadi staf yang tangguh dan professional


Pria / Wanita, maks 26 tahun
Pendidikan min. S1 dari berbagai jurusan, dengan IPK min. 2,75
Fresh graduate atau maks. memiliki pengalaman kerja selama 2 tahun
Memiliki minat belajar yang besar mengenai bisnis pembiayaan otomotif roda dua
Bersedia mengikuti program pelatihan (Juli 2010)
Jika Anda berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, kirimkan segera CV lengkap beserta pasfoto berwarna ke alamat :

Wisma BCA Pondok Indah Lt. 7
Jl. Metro Pondok Indah Kav. 10
Jakarta 12310


Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 03:29
Posisi : Administration System
Tugas : add/delete user, policy setting dll
OS : w2k/w2k3
Gaji : Rp. 200.000,-/hari
Waktu : hanya 7 hari
Lokasi : Jakarta

Harap kirim lamaran ke hrd@altelindo.com

Lowongan KAO Indonesia Juni 2010

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 03:00
Production Maintenance Executive (Jakarta Raya)

To manage :
Predictive Maintenance ( patrol etc. )
Preventive Maintenance ( Agenda / Calendar MTN )
Breakdown Maintenance ( Repair, trouble shooting

Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Mechanical), Engineering (Electrical/Electronic) or equivalent.
Full-Time positions available.
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Fluent with Auto Cad 2007
Drop Your CV : hrinfo@kao.co.id

LOWONGAN Nissan Motor JUNI 2010

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 02:57
LOWONGAN KERJA Nissan Motor Indonesia batas lamaran 19 JUNI 2010 lokasi Purwakarta – Cikampek dan jakarta
PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car. Nissan as a worldwide company with Japan investment, invite young, dynamic, and smart people to join our team, and grow with us.
Job Specification
Position : Data Entry HR Staff
Department : HR
Working Location : Purwakarta – Cikampek
Status : Outsource

Job Description :
* Manage and update employee database

* Input employee attendance daily data (include overtime)
* Manage and update Human Resource Information System database
* Doing administration for personnel matter

Requirement :

* Associate degree from reputable university, with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
* Preferable female, single, 22-24 years old.
* Willing to be placed in Purwakarta
* Must be able to operate Microsoft Office (especially MS Word & Excel)
* Fluent in English is a must, both oral and written.
* Communicative, able to work under pressure and tight deadline, have interest in dealing with administrative task

Information System Manager

PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car. Our company employed more than 900 employees. As a worldwide company with Japan investment, we invite you to join our team, and grow with us.

Job specification :

Position : Information System Manager

Department : Information System

Working Location : Jakarta (TB Simatupang)

Job Description :


Manage IS department on day to day operation


Maintain and ensure the company core system (ERP) and other business applications is running smoothly in order to support company business


Act as the project manager for all internal IS projects


Provide and ensure the service level of all IS/IT infrastructure


Able to create mid term plan for IS and yearly objectives & action plan according to company business plan

Requirement :

* Bachelor degree from reputable university, major in Computer Science, Electrical or Informatics Engineering, with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
* Have more than 2 years experience in the same related field (experience in managing IS section/department; familiar with ERP system; familiar with software development life cycle and infrastructure
* Male, age 28 – 33 years old
* Have good communication and presentation skill
* Able to write down his/her ideas into concrete planning & proposal
* Have good analytical thinking and logic of verbal
* Have good interpersonal relationship and communication skill
* Have good initiatives, fast learner, able to adapt easily, able to work in team, and able to work in under pressure situation
* Sociable, able to serve internal customer / user
* Hard and also smart worker
* Must have good motivation and great interest in IS field
* Fluent in English (both oral and written) is a must

Corporate Planning Staff

PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car. Our company employed more than 900 employees. As a worldwide company with Japan investment, we invite you to join our team, and grow with us.

Job specification :

Position : Corporate Planning Staff

Department : Corporate Planning

Working Location : Head Office (Jakarta)

Job Description :


Indirect expenses / Capex controller

Actual vs Budget/forecasts analysis

Data collection for actual indirect expenses

Data analysis compare to budget/forecasts

Indirect expenses analysis report

Forecast/Budget process

Request & data validation for forecasts/budget

Capital expenditure application process

To process and to validate capex application before submission to Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. Capex controller

To support and follow up capex application process

Requirement :

* Bachelor degree from reputable university major in Accounting with GPA min 3.00. Cost accounting I & II with grade A. Taxation min. with grade B (Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply)
* Single, age 21 – 30 years old
* Good analysis for cost and profit data
* Have some basic understanding of Indonesia’s customs (E.g. Import duty calculation, Luxury tax calculation)
* Have some basic understanding about NPV (Net Present Value)
* Have some basic understanding of Indonesia’s taxation (E.g. luxury tax, VAT System, PPh article 22 for some incentives, etc.)
* Have cross functional spirit, willing to understand other department problem and encourage opportunity finding and problem solving to seek SUCCESS. (E.g.;. Seeking profitable growth & customer focused)
* Have good excel skill to prepare capex, cash flow indirect, & cost cal report. (E.g. familiar with Excel keyboard shortcut command)
* Powerpoint skills to prepare management presentation. (E.g. familiar with to paste Excel format into powerpoint slide)
* Fluent in English is a must (both oral and written).

Total Quality Assurance Engineer Staff

PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car. Our company employed more than 900 employees. As a worldwide company with Japan investment, we invite you to join our team, and grow with us.

Job Specification

Position : Total Quality Assurance Engineer Staff

Working Location : Purwakarta (Cikampek)

Job Description :

* Controller of management system documents (All ISO)
* To conduct Internal Audit for checking the implementation of management system (All ISO)
* To improve quality management system (ISO 9001)
* Control and manage of Incident and Accident Report and Contractor Safety Management (ISO 8001)
* Coordinate Quality Job Diagnosis inline with Nissan Motor Limited-BZE Audit requirement
* Internal important A&B Job Diagnosis
* Quality Management System Audit for export part-packaging supplier

Responsibilities :

* Report to Quality Assurance manager regarding to condition of management system
* Report and manage the result of Internal Audit
* Manage and monitor Key Items of environment and safety indicator
* Manage and monitor Incident/Accident Condition and Report
* Manage and monitor implementation of Contractor Management System
* Coordinate with HRD Team regarding implementation of Emergency Response
* Coordinate for Inspection Job Diagnosis from Nissan Motor Limited Japan
* Coordinate for Internal Important A&B Job Diagnosis
* Report for audit result against packaging supplier-quality management system


* Bachelor degree from reputable university, major in Industrial or Mechanical Engineering, with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
* Preferably have experience from electronic industry maximal 1 year in handling ISO and management system (fresh graduate are welcome to apply)
* Must have knowledge about management systems
* Single, 22-24 years old.
* Willing to be located in Purwakarta
* Fluent in English is a must, both oral and written.
* Have high analysis skill, good negotiation & interpersonal skill, communicative, can work under pressure.
* Willing to hard work until late (over time) to finishing the job

Engineer Staff

PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car. Nissan as a worldwide company with Japan investment, invite young, dynamic, and smart people to join our team, and grow with us.

Job Specification

Position : Engineer Staff (more than 1 person)

Working Location : Purwakarta (Cikampek)

Responsibilities :

* Productivity control (analysis & improvement)
* Analyze daily production defect occurred and inform current problem in line production to all related section
* Analyze and take countermeasure of concern parts related to quality and design
* Contact and confirm to local supplier regarding the local material problem
* Control development with suppliers especially when local part developed at initial stage
* Standard time set-up (new model) and maintain (current model)


* Bachelor degree from reputable university, major in Industrial, Electrical, Chemical or Mechanical Engineering, with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
* Preferably have 1 year experience in manufacturing (fresh graduate are welcome to apply)
* Single, 22-25 years old.
* Willing to placed in Purwakarta
* Understand automotive parts and can read technical drawing
* Fluent in English is a must, both oral and written.
* Have high analysis skill, good negotiation & interpersonal skill, communicative, can work under pressure.
* Willing to hard work until late (over time) to finish the job

Please submit your complete application letter
Before June 18, 2010 to:

(Subject: data entry HR)

Only short listed candidates who meet requirement and sent application by email will be notified.

Lowongan Sekretaris Jakarta Juni 2010

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 02:55
Lowongan Sekretaris Jakarta Juni 2010
Due to our further expansion, we are seeking qualified candidates for position of:


Required qualifications :

- A diploma holder in secretarial studies.

- Female, maximum 30 years old with 1-2 experience as secretary

- Proficient in written and spoken English
- Has adequate skills in written communication

- Resourceful, well-organized, result-oriented, and proactive.

We are looking for a team player with trustworthiness, respect and quality service.

If you meet our requirements, please send your CV in English to :


About: PT. Gurita Lintas Samudera is one of the largest national shipping company specialized in general and dry cargo. Today, the company has proven and shown its management and technical expertise in the shipping field are well executed and performed through “All Weather” business environment. The company has grown constantly in scope and proud to provide a full range of shipping services from its basic shipowning & operating services to agency, stevedoring, and shipmanagement services.

Lowongan Kerja Pertamina

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 02:16
(Jakarta Raya)

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab
* Gather and Analyze the Key Business Parameters from most Departments, review the data to ensure accuracy and analyze the trending and look-a-head indication from historical information and current condition or situation. Incumbent needs discussion to probe and dig the information.
* Coordinate with SME or relevance parties on deep analyze discussion on certain Key Business Parameters that have issues or concerns to identify the causes and mitigations to optimize the performance.
* Coordinate closely to the ONWJ Planner to inform/discuss the trending and look-a-head condition to update or change the plan as necessary.
* Maintain and upgrade the Performance Management System as needed, annual review of the system shall be done to ensure the Performance Management System is applicable and update as per requirement.
* Maintain accuracy and update the data to Management.
* Propose and Develop the Key Business Parameters, with consultation to SMT to decide on certain Business Parameters that require to be tracked in certain periodic.

* Good analytical skill and has strong leadsership.
* Has good computer skill (MS-Office, Oracle).
* Hard working, able to work under pressure and problem solving oriented.
* Minimum graduated Bachelor Degree, Preferable Master Degree from Business Management.
* Minimum 5 years experienced in Operations, Engineering or Project role in Oil & Gas Industry.
* Fluent in English both spoken and written will be advantage.

Lowongan Pabrik Rokok Bentoel

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 02:14
qualified candidates for position of:


Required qualifications :

- A bachelor degree holder in any major with minimum GPA 2,75

- Preferrably male, maximum 30 years old with min. Fresh Graduates are become priority.

- Good Interpersonal and Communication Skill

- Fluent in both verbal and written English.

- Demonstrate flexibility, teamwork, cooperation and a high level of integrity

We are looking for a team player with trustworthiness, respect and quality service.

If you meet our requirements, please come o our Walk In Interview on

Wednesday and Thursday, June 9th – 10th 2010

Start From 9am to 5pm

At our Office

Jl Rajawali Timur No 170


For More Information Call

Arya (08170003531)

Lowongan Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (PERSERO)

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 19:34
PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (PERSERO) sebuah Group Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Agro Industri, Perdagangan, Alat Kesehatan serta Farmasi, membutuhkan calon pimpinan yang disiapkan melalui :


Program ini merupakan pembekalan bagi calon pimpinan perusahaan melalui pendidikan, pelatihan dan pemagangan.

Calon MTP harus memenuhi kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

1. Pendidikan min. S1 :

Ekonomi Jurusan Akuntansi, Manajemen.
Pertanian Jurusan Agronomi/Budidaya Tanaman, Hama & Penyakit, Ilmu Tanah, Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian.
Teknik Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Kimia.
Teknologi Pertanian Jurusan Teknik Pertanian.
2. IPK minimal 2,80.
3. Usia maksimal 30 th (pada saat bulan Desember 2010).
4. Single (belum menikah) dan bersedia tidak menikah selama masa MTP.
5. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris.
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.
7. Lulus seleksi yang diselenggarakan oleh perusahaan.

Paling lambat tanggal 30 Juni 2010 cap pos, Lamaran dikirim dengan dilengkapi Curriculum Vitae (CV) dan nomor telepon/HP serta dilampiri foto copy ijasah (legalisir), foto copy transkrip nilai akademik (legalisir), pas photo terbaru ukuran 4×6 sebanyak 2 lembar dengan mencantumkan kode : MTP pada bagian kiri atas amplop dan dikirimkan ke alamat :

GEDUNG RNI Lt. 1 JL. Denpasar Raya Kav.D III, Kuningan

Server Fujitsu Paling Stabil di Sistem 8-inti

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 03:18
VIVAnews - Menurut hasil pengujian tolok ukur VMmark, Fujitsu mengukuhkan sebagai infrastruktur server virtualisasi paling stabil di koridor sistem 8-inti (8 cores) soket ganda.

Dua server Fujitsu, yakni server rak x86 PRIMERGY RX300 S6 dan x86 PRIMERGY BX922 S2, masing-masing menempati posisi pertama dan kedua sebagai server virtualisasi dengan kinerja paling stabil.

Berdasarkan paparan VMmark, ketika digabungkan dengan sistem storage Fujitsu ETERNUS DX80, sistem server 8-inti PRIMERGY RX300 S6 mampu memecahkan rekor dunia 28.02@18 tiles, standar pengukuran VMmark.

Hasil ini hanya terpaut sedikit dari posisi kedua yakni PRIMERGY BX922 S2 yang mencatat 27.99@18 tiles. Ini adalah tolok ukur virtualisasi pertama bagi kategori ini untuk mengukur sistem-sistem yang menggunakan prosesor Intel Xeon 5600, yang diharapkan bisa memberikan kontribusi lebih pada standar kinerja.

Hasil kinerja kedua server tersebut mencakup prosesor tercepat, output I/O tertinggi, catu daya paling efisien, dan kapasitas disk terbesar dalam subsistem storage Fujitsu ETERNUS.

"Keduanya menawarkan fleksibilitas, baik dalam menjalankan banyak server virtual sekaligus dan mengelola proses bisnis," ujar Kurnia Wahyudi, country manager platform products Fujitsu Indonesia dalam keterangannya, Kamis 10 Juni 2010. "Ia juga mendukung penghematan biaya dalam investasi dan pemeliharaan."

Fujitsu tidak sendirian. Di koridor sistem 64-inti 16 soket, NEC masih mencatat kinerja terbaik dengan skor 48,23@32 tiles. Sementara itu, server paling stabil pada sistem 48-inti delapan soket masih disandang Hewlett-Packard, disusul Cisco sebagai pemimpin di sistem 32-inti empat soket. (art)

Menghapus Akun Facebook, PERMANEN!

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 02:03
Ternyata mendelete account facebook itu tidaklah mudah. Artikel sebelumnya saya member tahu bagaimana men”deactivate” akun facebook kita. Untuk anda yang sudah mencobanya, saya minta coba login kembali ke facebook. Apabila anda dapat masuk dengan mudahnya, berarti anda telah gagal mendelete akun tersebut.

Berikut adalah langkah yang benar bagaimana mendelete akun facebook kita (tidak hanya deactivate). Saya nasehatkan kepada anda untuk benar-benar focus pada langkah ini, karena membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk benar-benar mengapusnya. Saya membutuhkan waktu 5 jam untuk benar-benar membuat halaman akun saya kosong. So, enjoy!

- Hapus semua kawan anda dengan cara mengklik tanda “x” lalu memilih “remove friend”.
- Hapus semua foto di halaman album anda. Caranya, masuk ke halaman foto, lalu pilih album dan pilih “delete this album”.
- Hapus semua komentar yang anda kirim, dengan cara masuk ke halaman profile lalu pilih tanda “x” dan pilih “delete” di setiap kotak wall dan komentar anda.
- Cabut keanggotaan anda dari groups, fan, dan supporter di halaman INFO. Caranya dengan mengunjungi group anda lalu pilih “remove”.
- Hapus semua info tentang anda. Pilih “info” edit.
- Remove smua tag yang ada di halaman foto anda
- Kirim email ke http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form=delete_account dan pilih hapus akun secara permanen. Masukkan password anda lalu masukkan kata sandi yang terlihat.

- Setelah terkonfirmasi, facebook akan memberitahukan bahwa jika Anda tidak login selama 14 hari, maka akun anda akan terhapus dan tidak bisa direcovery.
- Setelah itu facebook akan log out otomatis.
- Silahkan perikasa 14 hari kemudian dengan login dengan akun anda. Kalau tidak bisa berarti facebook anda berhasil di delete.
Sumber : http://itguidelines.blogspot.com/2009/01/how-to-delete-facebook-account.html

Kesimpulan setelah saya melakukan langkah-langkah di atas adalah, semakin lama anda menjadi member di facebook maka akan semakin panjang waktu yang anda butuhkan untuk menghapus akun anda. Atau singkatnya, semakin lama semakin susah untuk keluar dari facebook. Jadi, sebelum anda terjajah olehnya lebih baik anda berhati-hati.

THUMS, Manusia Virtual Bikinan Toyota

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 02:02
VIVAnews - Akhir pekan lalu, Toyota Motor Corp mengumumkan hadirnya versi baru Total Human Model for Safety (THUMS), yaitu model manusia virtual yang membantu produsen mobil memahami lebih jauh dampak kecelakaan terhadap organ-organ dalam manusia.

THUMS hadir sejak awal dekade ini, dan yang terbaru adalah versi keempat. Dibandingkan versi-versi sebelumnya yang hanya terdiri dari tulang dan otak, model terbaru ini dilengkapi dengan organ dalam tubuh. Sehingga saat ini Toyota tidak hanya bisa menganalisa dampak kecelakaan terhadap kerusakan tulang dan otot.

Seperti dikutip dari laman Toyota, Jumat 4 Juni 2010, raksasa otomotif Jepang ini membuat sosok pria dewasa berukuran sedang yang dilengkapi dengan jantung, paru-paru, hati, hingga usus dalam ukuran yang akurat secara medis. Juga kaitan antar organ-organ itu. Saat kecelakaan, tubuh manusia mengalam benturan. Dengan THUMS generasi baru, tingkat kerusakaan bisa diprediksi.

Tingkat presisi yang tinggi membantu produsen mobil mendapat informasi detail dalam pemeriksaan organ dalam dan mendapat informasi 14 kali lebih banyak mengenai dampak kecelakaan dibandingkan dengan THUMS versi sebelumnya.

Tujuan dari pengembangan manusia dalam bentuk grafis komputer ini adalah menciptakan seatbelt dan airbags lebih baik. Seperti diketahui, seatbelt dan pelengkapnya airbags, telah terbukti memberikan perlindungan pada pengendara mobil saat kecelakaan. Namun seatbelt dan airbags masih memiliki kelemahan dan upaya untuk mencari disain terbaik masih terus berlanjut.

Toyota mengklaim, THUMS diciptakan dengan bantuan sejumlah lembaga riset dan perguruan tinggi. Alat bantu yang canggih ini tidak akan digenggam Toyota sebagai teknologi ekslusif, tapi akan ditawarkan pada produsen mobil lain yang berminat. Toyota mulai memasarkannya musim gugur mendatang.

Teknologi ini akan terus disempurnakan, termasuk menciptakan pasangan bagi pria virtual itu. Tidak lama lagi versi wanita akan dikembangkan. Juga pria lain yang bertubuh lebih besar.

Toyota mengembangkan THUMS sejak 1997, bekerja sama dengan Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc. Versi pertama selesai dibuat dan dipasarkan pada 2000. Disusul Versi 2 yang dilengkapi wajah dan tulang lahir tahun 2004. Sedangkan Versi 3 hadir pada 2006 dengan tambahan model otak yang sangat presisi. (umi)

Lowongan Keraja Account Officer PT Pinasthika Adhi Konsultama

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 01:58
PT Pinasthika Adhi Konsultama, perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang konsultan MSDM untuk jasa asesmen, pelatihan dan pengembangan sistem MSDM mencari tenaga trampil untuk posisi :

Marketing Staff – 2 orang
. D3 / S-1 Semua Jurusan
. Pengalaman kerja minimal 3 tahun di bidang marketing
. Bersedia melakukan roadshow ke perusahaan-perusaha an
. Bisa mengoperasikan komputer dan internet, mengelola milisgroups dan website.
. Mampu melakukan negosiasi dan komunikatif, ada dorongan untuk belajar, bisa bekerja dengan target, kreatif, ulet dan punya dorongan untuk berprestasi dan mempunyai jaringan yang luas
Account Officer – 2 orang
. D3 / S-1 Semua Jurusan
. Pengalaman kerja minimal 3 tahun
. Bersedia melakukan roadshow ke perusahaan-perusaha an
. Mampu melakukan negosiasi dan komunikatif, ada dorongan untuk belajar, bisa bekerja dengan target, kreatif, ulet dan punya dorongan untuk berprestasi dan mempunyai jaringan yang luas

Penempatan : Jakarta

Bagi yang berminat silahkan kirimkan aplikasi & lamaran Anda via email ke : hrd@pinasthika.co.id
Paling lambat 14 Juni 2010
Hanya pelamar sesuai kriteria yang akan diproses