Files Registry (.REG)

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 15:34

Registry (windows) adalah bagian yang “paling” dikenal dikalangan pengguna komputer. Keberadaannya yang sedemikian penting membuatnya sering disebut sebagai “jantung” dari sistem operasi Windows. Hal ini memang tidak salah sama sekali. Registry menjadi semakin menonjol ketika sebuah computer terinfeksi oleh malware (virus). Tetapi seberapa jauh kita mengenal file registry ini ?

Windows Registry adalah sebuah database yang berstruktur hirarki, yang menyimpan semua pengaturan konfigurasi dan juga berbagai pilihan pada sistem operasi Microsoft Windows.

Pengaturan ini meliputi pengaturan untuk komponen tingkat rendah (low level), serta pengaturan untuk program aplikasi yang terinstal didalamnya. Kernel (inti), device-driver, servicess, user-interface (GUI), security, dan aplikasi third-party (aplikasi pihak ketiga), dan juga profile-performance dari sistem, semuanya memanfaatkan Registry.


Registry mulai dikenalkan pada era Windows 3.1, kemudian dikembangkan pada era Windows 95 dan WinNT, untuk mengambil alih sebagian tugas File.INI, yang sebelumnya merupakan tempat penyimpan pengaturan konfigurasi pada Windows.

Perubahan ini terlalu teknis untuk dibahas disini, tetapi secara singkat adalah bahwa proses baca dan tulis didalam registry menjadi lebih cepat dibanding ketika menggunakan file.INI, sebab untuk baca/tulis pada registry tidak perlu melakukan “parsing”. Dan karena bentuknya yang merupakan sebuah data-base, maka registry menawarkan suatu integritas yang lebih baik.

Contoh praktisnya adalah jika ada dua process yang berusaha meng-update nilai registry yang sama dan dalam waktu yang sama pula, maka perubahan oleh satu process akan berlaku untuk yang lainnya sehingga konsistensi (kestabilan) keseluruhan tetap dipertahankan.


Tetapi ini bukan tanpa masalah, karena registry menduplikat begitu banyak fungsi file sistem, maka :

Konfigurasi yang ter-sentral akan menimbulkan kesulitan besar untuk melakukan backup dan juga recovery terhadap aplikasi (program) individu. Selain itu,

Karena informasi untuk me-load device driver tersimpan dalam registry, maka kerusakan registry (pada bagian itu) akan membuat Windows gagal loading.

Bisa gagal pada saat booting bila kerusakannya (registry) menimpa informasi device driver utama.

Aplikasi yang memanfaatkan registry untuk menyimpan pengaturannya, akan tidak bisa digunakan dalam mode portable yang berpindah dari satu sistem kesistem lain.

Tidak mungkin untuk menyalin suatu aplikasi terinstal, ke sistem (komputer) lain. Makanya tak heran ketika beberapa pihak-ketiga meng-klaim bahwa registry adalah pusat kegagalan (bisnis ?).

Untuk dasar pengenalan registry, cukuplah sekian saja. Selanjutnya…


Secara fisik, registry tersimpan dalam beberapa file, yang (sayangnya) untuk user-mode keberadaan registry ini di “kaburkan” dalam API (Aplication Program Interface). Tergantung dari versi Windows, maka lokasi registry pun juga akan berada ditempat yang berbeda, tetapi semuanya tetap berada pada mesin-lokal (local-machine).

Sebagai contoh, didalam Win Vista lokasi registry berada didirektori Windows\system32\config. Sedangkangkan untuk registry user (current-user) diletakkan dalam NtUser.dat dalam user-profile. Satu kekecualian adalah bila user memiliki profil roaming (berpindah-pindah), maka file ini akan diambil dan disimpan dari server saat user login/logout.


Struktur registry tersusun dari beberapa Key, yang sering disebut “Hive” (saya tidak mengerti mengapa dipilih kata “hive” = sarang-lebah, gatal, penyakit ). Untuk dapat melihat struktur registry bisa dilakukan dengan menjalankan Windows Registry Editor.exe, yang lebih dikenal dengan Regedit.

Pada Start – Run – ketik Regedit – Enter. Didalam window Registry Editor bisa dilihat 5 buah Key (hive) dibawah My Computer. Jangan merubah apapun didalamnya, kalau hanya sekedar ingin melihat saja !

Beberapa Key /Hive yang biasa dikenal adalah :




HKEY_USERS (disingkat HKU)


Tetapi masih ada lagi yang mungkin tidak pernah kita kenal selama ini, yaitu :


HKEY_DYN_DATA (disingkat HKDD).

HKLM : berisi berbagai pengaturan untuk program aplikasi yang terinstal didalam sistem/pc. HKLM dan HKCU memiliki struktur yang mirip satu dengan lainnya, program aplikasi biasanya mencari pengaturannya dalam HKCU, jika tidak ditemukan akan mencari (pada path yang sama) didalam HKLM. Tetapi bisa saja terjadi kebalikannya karena kebijakan setting sang Administrator (Admin).

Fakta ini bisa berguna bila kita sedang mencari sesuatu (kerusakan oleh virus); bila tidak ditemukan di HKLM, ya tinggal dicari di HKCU dalam path yang (hampir) sama.

HKCR : berisi informasi tentang aplikasi yang terdaftar, dan menghubung kannya ke aplikasi aplikasi kecil untuk menangani item-item data.

HKCU : menyimpan pengaturan yang spesifik bagi pengguna (current-user) dan juga merupakan link ke subkey HKU yang sesuai. Informasi yang sama dapat diakses di kedualokasi tersebut.

HKU : menyimpan subkey yang sesuai dengan key HKCU untuk setiap user-profile yang sedang aktif di mesin, meskipun biasanya key user hanya diload saat sedang login.

HKCC : menyimpan informasi yang dikumpulkan saat runtime, maka informasi yang disimpan dalam key ini tidak permanen tersimpan dalam drive (harddisk), melainkan dibuat saat booting. Isinya merupakan “pegangan” ke HKLM\ system\ currentcontrolset\ hardwareprofiles. HKCC yang semula “kosong” selanjutnya akan diisi dengan salah satu sub-key dari HKLM\ system\ currentcontrolset\ hardwareprofiles tersebut diatas.

HKPD : menyediakan informasi runtime data-performance dari NT-kernel, atau system driver, program dan sevicess yang menyediakan performance-data. Key ini tidak berada pada hive apapun, dan juga tidak ditampilkan dalam Registry-Editor, tapi terlihat dalam fungsi di Windows API.

Dalam bentuk sederhana bisa dilihat dalam tab-Performance pada Task-Manager, tetapi ini hanya sebagian saja yang diperlihatkan. Untuk melihatnya lengkap perlu menggunakan Performance Monitor atau Performance Analyzer.

HKDD : key ini digunakan hanya pada Windows 95, 98 dan Me. Berisi informasi tentang hardware, plug and Play juga statistik Net performance. Informasi dalam key ini juga tidak disimpan didalam drive, tetapi didalam memory.


Registry Windows dapat di edit secara manual dengan menggunakan program seperti Regedit.exe, atau aplikasi pihak ketiga lainnya.

Satu kesalahan dalam editing registry, dapat menyebabkan kerusakan permanen, oleh karena itu lakukan backup sebelum melakukan editing registry windows.

Program Regedit.exe hanya mendukung editing untuk

String (REG_SZ),

Biner (REG_BINARY), dan

Nilai (REG_DWORD).

Apabila kita mencoba meng-edit jenis key yang tidak disuport regedit.exe pada platform Win2000 atau NT4.0, akan menghasilkan perubahan yang tidak dibisa dipulihkan (ireversible).

Sebelum Windows XP, digunakan Regedt32.exe, dan sejak XP dan seterusnya, semua fungsi dalam regedt32.exe diadopsi kedalam Regedit.exe.

Dengan Regedit.exe, user dapat melakukan berbagai fungsi, seperti :

Membuat, memanipulasi, me rename, dan menghapus registry maupun nilai data-nya.

Mengimpor / ekspor file .REG, mengekspor data ber format biner.

Meloading, manipulasi dan membongkar format registry hive (hanya WinNT).

Mencari string tertentu dalam KeyName, ValueName, dan ValueData.

Melakukan Remote Editing pada komputer lain dalam jaringan.

Melakukan editing registry dari Command Line (DOS).

Backup / restore registry

Windows mendukung beberapa metode untuk backup / restore registry :

System Restore mampu membuat backup dan melakukan restore dengan syarat Windows masih bootable (bisa booting/loading). Pada Vista disebut Windows Recovery Environment (WRE).

NtBackup mampu membuat backup dan juga me restore registry.

Last Known Good Configuration Pada sistem berbasis NT, pada menu Startup akan me-relink HKLM yang menyimpan informasi hardware dan driver.

Pada Windows versi sebelum XP juga dilengkapi berbagai tool untuk backup dan restorasi registry, yang bisa dijalankan dari lingkungan MsDOS.


Mengingat begitu pentingnya (dan rapuhnya) registry, tak heran jika selalu menjadi target utama bagi Vxer (pembuat virus), malicious activity (virus, trojan, worm, blended), computer-attacker dll. Hampir semua kejahatan komputer (computer crime) selalu menjadikan registry sebagai main-target.

Jadi, lindungi registry Anda sebaik mungkin, terlebih bila On-line (Networking) adalah aktifitas utama anda.


1. Matikan Service Remote Access pada System Configurasi pc Anda, bila memang tidak pernah menggunakan fasilitas ini.

2. Matikan Service Remote Registry untuk mencegah registr Anda di akses dari komputer lain (remote).

3. Secara teratur periksa file registry menggunakan registry tool yang Anda percayai.

4. Secara teratur lakukan defragmentasi registry, agar integritas nya selalu terjaga.

5. Secara teratur periksa keberadaan malware didalam registry menggunakan Antivirus favorit Anda, ini akan lebih baik bila dilakukan dari lingkungan Dos/MsDOS, karena itu sebaiknya pilih Antivirus yang mampu melakukan hal ini.

6. Aktifkan Fire Wall anda, ini setidaknya akan mempersulit “intruder” menerobos system Anda.

7. Last but not least, rajinlah Berdoa.

Inilah sedikit hal tentang file registry didalam Windows, semoga menambah pengetahuan Anda.

Lowongan Kerja Auditor Nipsea Paint Februari 2011

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 17:26
Welcome to Nippon Paint Indonesia

As one of the leading paint and coatings manufacturers in Asia and the world, Nippon Paint has constantly strives to deliver innovative products and services that help protect and beautify our surrounding. Now we are seeking for potential candidates to join us for the following positions:


Male/ Female, max 28 years old.
D3/ Diploma Degree – S1/ Bachelor Degree in Accountancy from reputable University
Hardworking, honest and willing to learn
Able to work under pressure and as a team
This post requires travelling to outstation depots
Experience in finance/ Accounting is a plus
Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
Kindly indicate the position code on the cover letter

Please send the application letter together with complete resume and recent photograph to the address below

max 2 (weeks) from the date of this Advertisement

PO BOX 4561- JKTF 11045

Or email to:

*Only shortlisted candidates will be notified for interviews*

Lowongan Kerja Adminitrasi Electrolux Indonesia Februari 2011

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 17:25
Salah satu perusahaan Eropa terkemuka di dunia dalam bidang elektronik rumah tangga, membutuhkan segara tenaga sebagai :

Dicari Staff Administrasi Service untuk ditempatkan di Kantor Pusat – Warehouse dengan syarat-syarat sbb :

Education Min. Diploma (DIII) – Accounting
* Male / Female with age max. 35 years
* Experienced in Staff Administration / General Accounting at least 1 (one) year
* Able to work with groups
* Mastering the English language are preferred
* Mastering Microsoft applications (Words, Excel & Power Point)
* Preferably domicile in Bekasi
* Administrative experience in Warehouse Diutaman

Candidates who have qualified as above to send the complete application (cover letter, CV, photograph, diploma & transcript) to the email address:
HR Division

Lowongan Kerja Purchasing PT Tirta Alam Segar Februari 2011

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 17:24
WINGS Group is one of the largest and most established consumer goods manufacturer in Indonesia focusing in laundry, household, personal care, and Food & Beverage products.

PT. Tirta Alam Segar is one of the companies incorporated in the Wings group that operates in the Food & Beverage products. Due to our rapid expanding growth, currently we are looking for immediately many proffesionals and potential people especially who experienced in Food & Beverage Industry to be placed and trained as our next leaders in the company.

Purchasing Administration (Code: Purch)
(Cibitung – Bekasi)



Age between 25-30 years old
D3/S1 From reputable University Field with GPA min 3.00.
Min 1 Year experience in Purchasing field, but fresh graduates are encouraged to apply.
Able to speak in English (both oral and written)
Can operate computer (MS. Office, familiar with SAP program will be an advantage).
Good personality, can work underpressure & discipline.
Willing to work in Cibitung – Bekasi

Send your resume, CV and latest photograph to :
Kawasan Industri MM 2100
Jl. Kalimantan Kav. B 1-2
Cibitung – Bekasi 17520
Email: //
Only shorted candidate will be notify

Lowongan Kerja Aqua Medan dan Jabar September 2010

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 17:57
Danone is the world’s fastest moving consumer goods company, today focus in Dairy, Beverages, Baby Nutrition , Medical Nutrion which its misson to bring health through food to the largest number of people.
Danone Aqua , as part of Danone Group, is a leading Beverage Company in Indonesia and no.1 Water producer in the World, currently is searching talent to join our company as :

Production Supervisor Mekarsari Plant
(Subject: Production Supervisor Mekarsari)

* This position will report to Production Manager. The incumbent is responsible to : supervising the production process, coordinating with warehouse and maintenance to ensure production according to plan and quality demand.


* University degree in Electrical / Mechanical / Industrial Engineering with minimum GPA 3.00
* Experince at least 1 – 2 years in the similiar field
* Proactive and strong leadership
* Good analytical and problem solving
* Good command in English both vebal & written
* Willing to be placed in Mekarsari West Java

Quality Control Supervisor Mekarsari Plant
(Subject: QC Supervisor Mekarsari)

* This position will report to Quality Manager. The incumbent is responsible for : implementing a disciplined Quality Assurance policy, standard & procedure to ensure the achievement of high quality of Aqua products are maintained by all process.


* At least D3 degree, preferably S1 in University degree in Chemical Engineering / Biology / Food Technology
* Understanding of ISO& HACCP is a plus
* Good command in English both verbal & written

Loker Terbaru

lowongan Kerja Mercure Pontianak 02/09/10

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 17:56
Looking for young, dynamic & energetic candidates to fill positions as :

1. Sales Executive
2. Assistant FO Manager

3. Guest Relation Supervisor
4. Spa Coordinator
5. Account Payable
6. Guest Service Attendant
7. Telephone Operator
8. Bell Boy

Qualifications :

* Has background & experience in Hospitality industry (1,2,3,4)
* Has a good personality, well groom and good attitude
* Good command of written and spoken English

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Mandiri September 2010

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 17:55
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk

In order to prepare a cadre of leaders of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk future and provide opportunities for new graduates (fresh graduate) who berprestas, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk invites alumni-elected alumnus of the college to participate in the selection as an officer candidate through lane:

Officer Development Program (ODP)

Terms as follows:

A. Officer Development Program (ODP)

1. S1/S2 graduates from all majors except Division / Dept. Health Sciences / Nursing, Literature, Art, Teaching and Religious
2. 3:00 min S1 graduate GPA, graduate GPA S2 min. 3:20
3. Maximum age at the time of initial selection of 26 years to 28 years for S1 and S2
4. Strong oral and written English
5. Able to operate computer Ms. minimum program. Office
6. Married and not yet willing to marry for education
7. Willing to undergo official ties
8. Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia

B. Frontliners (FL)

1. Education min S1
2. Accredited university
3. Performance Index and 2.75 min

Informasi Lowongan PT. First Media Tbk 201002/09/10

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 17:53
job vacancy
PT. First Media Tbk

PT. First Media Tbk is the largest provider of high speed broadband internet, cable pay TV, and high-speed data communication services. We invite dynamic and experienced professional people to join us for the position:

Wellcalls Officer


* Outgoing call to FM’s customer to ensure that all services have been installed / done as customer requested.
* Give feedback to respective unit based on finding from welcalls calling effort.
* Provide welcalls report


* Female 25 – 30 years old
* Bachelor Degree S1, preferably from any majoring.
* Having 2 years working experience
* Capable to work based on target, team work and hard worker
* Proficient in Microsoft office tools

Informasi Lowongan Kerja PT. AT OCEANIC OFFSHORE 2010 (Batam) Loker Terbaru Informasi Lowongan Kerja PT. AT OCEANIC OFFSHORE 2010 (Batam)

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 08:36
PT. AT Oceanic Offshore (ATOO) is subsidiaries of Marine Hub and Aqua-Terra Supply Co.Limited, a main board public listed company in Singapore.

With one of the largest rigging gears inventory and best facility in the region, coupled with broad based experience in heavy lifting, the two companies located in Singapore and Batam, Indonesia provides insight into all types of rigging.

We ofter a complete line of wire rope slings from a simple eye-to-eye to a large-capacity 12-part capable of the most specialised lift, There is also a complete line of rigging hardware with synthetic web slings for any lifting, mooring and towing application (pipe lifting, marine and offshore mooring and towing, heavy construction lift and etc). In addition our full line of tagged and certified sling assemblies undergoes proof tests after assembly or repair.

We are currently looking to fill the following positions :


* Inspection of wire rope slings, lifting equipment, chain block, etc
* Testing and certification, identification and marking, inspection and through examination, record of list
* Inspection for in-service damage : cracking, corrosion, wear, heat damage, etc
* Inspection of Personnel Protection Equipment
* Load protection, rigging, lifting & slinging safety principle
* Analysis of lifting gear ang rigging


* Male
* Minimun 4 years experiences in related field.
* Bachelor Degree (S-1) in Mechanical Metallurgical, or similar. Diploma Degree (D-3) with minimum 5 years experiences will be advantage
* Having : Wire Rope Inspector Certificate, ASNT NDT Certificate minimum Level II, Lifting Gear Examination Certificate, HSE Certificate, Lifting Equipment Inspector Certificate, Calculating Certificate, Having AK3 “Specialist Angkat Angkut” from DEPNAKER, etc
* Expert in any rigging job (assembling, spooling, testing)

Lowongan Kerja PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (Sulawesi)

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 08:34
PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTAM) , a state-owned mining company which listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) with the main commodities are nickel, gold, silver, and bauxite.

PT Antam Jindal Stainless Indonesia is a subsidiary company of PT Antam, Tbk, focusing its business on Nickel processing. The project will held its Smelting Plant in North Konawe, South East Sulawesi. We invite you to join our team as:

Senior Metallurgist (SM):

* Male
* Minimum Bachelor degree in Metallurgy Engineering from reputable University
* Maximum 40 years old
* Good leadership skill, able to work in team and hard worker
* Minimum 2 years experience in Metal Processing (Nickel Ore)

Mechanical Engineer (ME):

* Male
* Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Reputable University in Sulawesi
* Maximum 30 years old
* Fast learner, highly initiative and likes challenge
* Fresh graduates are encourage to apply

Electrical Engineer (EE):

* Male
* Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering from Reputable University in Sulawesi

Lowogan Kerja Sampoerna 2010

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 08:33
PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobaccomanufacturing companies in Indonesia. In 2009, Sampoerna held an overall market share of 29.1% of the Indonesian cigarette market and retained the number one market share position. At the end of 2009, Sampoerna and its subsidiaries employed approximately 28,300 people. As the inspiring local company, in May 2005 PT Philip Morris Indonesia, an affiliate of Philip Morris International, acquiring majority ownership of Sampoerna.
YOU are keen to build a fresh start for your bright career through our development program and gain a leadership skill to achieve our future goals together. You are the potential candidate of our next leader.

The successful candidates will join the two years development program as a permanent employee. You will experience stretch and challenging assignments as we guide you through a constructive feedback, effective coaching, mentoring from senior management, and regular performanceevaluation.


* A Bachelors Degree (S1) with a minimum GPA 3.00 or a Masters Degree (S2) with a minimum GPA 3.25
* Overseas qualifications with a minimum score “Distinction”
* Any educational backgrounds are welcome to apply
* Graduated less than 2 years ago
* Poss a good interpersonal skill
* Fluent in verbal and written English
* Have not taken any assessment from Sampoerna in the past one year

A global career path and be the next inspiring leaders of one of the leading tobacco manufacturing companies.

The successful candidate will be responsible to analyze sub-area marketing opportunities, develop and propose sub-area action plan, and manage the execution of small to medium area marketing projects.

The successful candidate will be responsible to ensure effective & efficient distribution activities by monitoring product availability, freshness, visibility, price, and selling out of company products as well as competitor within his area/district in order to maintain product competitiveness at Routine Retail Outlet ( RRO ) level.


* Hold S1 degree with min. GPA 2.75 from any educational background
* Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
* Have not joined the written test for any of above positions within last 1 year
* Graduation year is not later than 2 years ago for fresh graduated candidates

If you

PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobaccomanufacturing companies in Indonesia. In 2009, Sampoerna held an overall market share of 29.1% of the Indonesian cigarette market and retained the number one market share position. At the end of 2009, Sampoerna and its subsidiaries employed approximately 28,300 people. As the inspiring local company, in May 2005 PT Philip Morris Indonesia, an affiliate of Philip Morris International, acquiring majority ownership of Sampoerna.
YOU are keen to build a fresh start for your bright career through our development program and gain a leadership skill to achieve our future goals together. You are the potential candidate of our next leader.

The successful candidates will join the two years development program as a permanent employee. You will experience stretch and challenging assignments as we guide you through a constructive feedback, effective coaching, mentoring from senior management, and regular performanceevaluation.


* A Bachelors Degree (S1) with a minimum GPA 3.00 or a Masters Degree (S2) with a minimum GPA 3.25
* Overseas qualifications with a minimum score “Distinction”
* Any educational backgrounds are welcome to apply
* Graduated less than 2 years ago
* Poss a good interpersonal skill
* Fluent in verbal and written English
* Have not taken any assessment from Sampoerna in the past one year

A global career path and be the next inspiring leaders of one of the leading tobacco manufacturing companies.

The successful candidate will be responsible to analyze sub-area marketing opportunities, develop and propose sub-area action plan, and manage the execution of small to medium area marketing projects.

The successful candidate will be responsible to ensure effective & efficient distribution activities by monitoring product availability, freshness, visibility, price, and selling out of company products as well as competitor within his area/district in order to maintain product competitiveness at Routine Retail Outlet ( RRO ) level.


* Hold S1 degree with min. GPA 2.75 from any educational background
* Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
* Have not joined the written test for any of above positions within last 1 year
* Graduation year is not later than 2 years ago for fresh graduated candidates

interested and possess the above qualifications, please apply not later than 12 august 2010 to :
Job Placement Center Universitas Brawijaya, Malang.
or send your comprehensive resume to :
Job Placement Center
University of Brawijaya
Jl. Veteran

Informasi Lowongan Kerja Perbankan (Bank Mutiara)

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 08:32
Bank fokus terbaik pilihan masyarakat yang sudah menjadi Bank Devisa dan telah go publik mempunyai cabang terbesar di wilayah Jabodetabek, Karawang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Solo, Palembang, Medan, Jambi, Pangkalpinang, Pekanbaru, Makassar dan Bali dalam rangka expansi usaha, emnawan kesempatan berkarir untuk:

AO / MO Program (AMP)
(Jakarta, Surabaya, Pekanbaru, Denpasar & Palembang)


* Fresh Graduate S1 segala jurusan
* Usia maksimal 27 tahun
* Diutamakan yang mampu berbahasa Mandarin / Hokkian

Loker Terbaru Informasi Lowongan Kerja Perbankan (Bank Mutiara) - Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2010

Informasi Lowongan Kerja Bandung (PT Indofood)

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 08:30
From simple beginnings as an instant noodle producer, Indofood has been progressively transformed to become a Total Food Solutions company with operations in all stages of food manufacturing from the
production of raw materials and their processing through to consumer products on the retailer’s shelf. A leader within its industry in Indonesia, an extensive distribution system supports the position of the company’s products as household names in every part of the country.

The Company operates four complementary Strategic Business Groups (Group):

1. Consumer Branded Products (CBP), the producer of a range of packaged foods under a number of divisions including Noodles, Food Seasonings, Snack Foods, Nutrition & Special Foods and Biscuit. With the acquisition of PT Indolakto (Indolakto) during 2008, the Dairy Division becomes the latest addition to the group, providing a strong presence in this strongly growing market. CBP Group is supported by the Food Ingredients and Packaging Divisions.
2. Bogasari, primarily a producer of flour as well as pasta. The group is supported by a shipping unit.
3. Agribusiness, principal activities range from research and development, oil palm seed breeding and cultivation as well as refining, branding and marketing of cooking oils, margarine and shortening. In addition, the group is also involve in the cultivation and processing of rubber, sugar cane, cocoa and tea.
4. Distribution, boasts the most extensive distribution network in Indonesia. It distributes the majority of the Company’s consumer products as well as third party products.

Indofood’s strongest legacy today is the strength of its brands, many of which have been companions to the people of Indonesia for years. These include a variety of brands of instant noodles (Indomie, Supermi and Sarimi), wheat flour (Segitiga Biru, Kunci Biru and Cakra Kembar), cooking oils (Bimoli), margarine (Simas Palmia). Despite intense competition, these brands remain the market leaders in their specific segments with a reputation for quality and value for money that remains unrivalled.

This position will be posted in one of our subsidiary company (PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur – Nutrition & Special Foods Division)

Management Trainee (Manufacturing)

Qualification Required

* Male with minimum age 22 years old
* Minimum education : Bachelor degree in Food Technology / Indusrial Engineering / Chemical Engineering etc with minimum GPA 3.00 (out of 4.00)
* Fresh graduate from reputable university
* Good command in English (oral and written)

Lowongan Kerja PT. Garuda Indonesia (Pramugari)

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 08:27
Garuda Indonesia mengembangkan sayapnya melalui berbagai perubahan yang telah dilakukan selama ini, seiring perubahan tersebut, kami membuka kesempatan bagi wanita Indonesia untuk bergabung menjadi Pramugari Garuda Indonesia. Keramahan, keahlian, dedikasi dan integritas tinggi merupakan prioritas menjadi seorang pramugari, karena itulah kami menawarkan berbagai fasilitas dan kompensasi menarik bagi anda yang memenuhi kriteria. Jangan sia-siakan kesempatan ini, segera bergabung bersama kami.

Pramugari Garuda Indonesia

Walk in Interview
Silakan Persiapkan Test Wawancara anda dengan Panduan Psikotest LKIT

* Sabtu : 31 Juli 2010
* Pukul : 08:00 – 16:00

Gedung Garuda Indonesia
Jl. Kebon Sirih 44
Jakarta Pusat

Kriteria :

* Usia 18 – 24 Tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SMA/Kejuruan
* Tinggi badan min. 160 cm
* Berbadan sehat, tidak berkaca mata
* Mampu berbahasa inggris dengan baik

Dress Code :

* Blouse lengan pendek warna terang
* Rok warna gelap selutut
* Sepatu hak tinggi

Datang dan bawa lamaran anda, CV, 1 lb foto seluruh badan ukuran post card dan 1 lb foto close up ukuran 4 X 6 cm.

Loker Terbaru Lowongan Kerja PT. Garuda Indonesia (Pramugari) - Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2010

LOWONGAN KERJA JUNIOR SEKRETARIS (Sands International Executive Club)

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 08:03
Sands International Executive Club

. Junior Sekretaris (JS)
- Female
- D3, Majoring secretary
- Must good command in mandarin ( spoken&Written )
- Experience 1 years or fresh graduate are welcome to apply

Please send your application+CV to:
PT. Agung Wahana Indonesia
(Sands International Executive Club )
Mangga Dua Square Lt.5
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No.1
Jakarta 14430


Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 08:02

Ginger Mandarin is a growing mandarin enrichment center located in Jakarta Pusat.

We are currently seeking a highly motivated mandarin teacher assistant. The position could be part time / full time.


Kualifikasi :

* Wanita max. 35 tahun
* Lulusan China or Taiwan
* Pengalaman bekerja dengan anak-anak kecil minimal 2 tahun
* Menyukai anak-anak, energetic dan proaktif
* Excellent classroom management skills
* Kreatif dan dynamik

Bagi kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi, dapat mengirim lamaran lengkap (foto dan KTP) ditujukan ke

LOWONGAN KERJA Engineering (Maintenance) Supervisor (EMS)09/07/10

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 08:02
LOWONGAN KERJA Engineering (Maintenance) Supervisor (EMS)09/07/10



A Property Company located in East Bekasi is urgently looking for :
Engineering (Maintenance) Supervisor (EMS)

Requirements :

* Male, Min. 27 years old Max. 38 years old.
* D3 degree with experienced in related field min. 3 years.
* D1 degree with experienced in related field min. 5 years.
* STM degree with experienced in related field min. 7 years.
* Fluent in English both oral and written.
* Computer literate (Ms. Word, Excel).

If you meet the above mentioned qualifications, please send your CV, a recent photograph and supporting documents (kindly quote the position code to the subject) at the latest 2 weeks from the date of advertisement to:


Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 10:56

TPT – Morison is professional firm providing wide services in accounting and auditing, tax reporting and compliance, management consulting and advisory. We seek experienced and energetic high caliber individuals desiring to join a talented of professionals in the following positions:

Audit Staff (AST)

General Requirement for all Positions:

Minimum bachelor degree in Accounting from reputable university
Proficiency in English
Good computer knowledge in Ms. Office (Ms.Word, Ms.Excel, MS.Powerpoint)
Willing to travel out of town
Having the ease with which to work effectively under pressure and to meet established goals and objectives within the specified deadline, while maintaining quality at all times

Age max. 30 years old
Proven experience in developing report and exposures
For those who are interested and meet above requirements, can apply for these positions and write your position code by sending an application letter, complete CV, academic transcript and the latest color photograph to:


HRD Department

CBD Pluit Kav. B/19

Jl. Pluit Selatan Raya No. 1 – Jakarta 14440

LOWONGAN KERJA PT Multi Adiprakarsa Manunggal (Field Support Asst. Coordinator)

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 10:55
PT Multi Adiprakarsa Manunggal (‘KARTUKU’) merupakan perusahaan penyedia jasa
infrastruktur pembayaran elektronik yang
menyediakan pemasaran dan pemeliharaan system pembayaran berbasis kartu dan non
kartu bagi bank and merchants.
Terkait dengan adanya perkembangan dan perluasan perusahaan , kami membuka lowongan untuk posisi sebagai
berikut :

Field Support Assistant Coordinator

Tugas dan Tanggung
1 Memastikan dan mengontrol setiap Fields Support agar mengerti, memahami dan menjalankan semua hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaannya dengan baik sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan.
2 Bertanggung jawab untuk menerima, mendata, mendistribusikan semua permintaan pelayanan (Service Order); menindaklanjuti pelaksanaannya sehingga sesuai SLA dan melaporkannya kepada atasan.
3 Memantau dan mengevaluasi kinerja dan aktivitas Fields Support setiap kantor perwakilan melalui laporan rutin, database dan laporan meeting yang dilaksanakan kantor perwakilan secara periodik.
4 Menerima dan membantu memberikan penyelesaian masalah administratif yang tidak dapat diselesaikan oleh kantor perwakilan ataupun kebutuhan mereka dan melaporkannya kepada kantor pusat.
5 Koordinasi fields Support dalam input data ke dalam database visit dan pengarsipan form fields office sesuai kebijakan dan prosedur perusahaan.
6 Mengontrol dan mengawasi kantor perwakilan atas kegiatan perjalanan dinas beserta keperluannya.
7 Memantau dan mengecek penggunaan form oleh field offices sehingga sesuai dengan kebijakan dan prosedur perusahaan.
8 Pelaporan periodik dan kontrol kegiatan EDC (Traffic report) dari fields offices.
9 Mengontrol, update database dan pengawasan terhadap peralihan stok (stock transfer) EDC dan perlengkapannya.


· S1 semua jurusan dengan IPK. 3.0.
· Min. 3 tahun pengalaman sebagai administrator
· Menguasai aplikasi MS. Office.
· Mahir membuat berbagai report dengan menggunakan excel.
· Dapat bekerja secara independent dan secara team.
· Sistematis, terorganisasi dan teliti.
· Memiliki sikap kerja yang baik, komunikatif, dan kemampuan
interpersonal yang baik.

Jika sesuai dengan
kriteria tersebut, silahkan kirimkan aplikasi lengkap dengan mencantumkan gaji
anda saat ini serta gaji yang diharapkan ke:

PT Multi Adiprakarsa Manunggal (KARTUKU)

Jalan Sungai Gerong No. 7

Silahkan cantumkan
kode posisi di bagian subjek dari email anda atau di pojok kanan atas amplop

Lowongan Kerja Aqua Danone Indonesia

Posted by The Patch Cibinong on 10:54
In 2008, Danone recorded an organic growth rate of 8.4% — practical proof that its business growth model truly works. With its operating margin increasing for the 14th year running, the group further strengthened its global standing: world no. 1 in fresh dairy products, world no. 2 in bottled waters, world no. 2 in baby nutrition and European no. 1 in medical nutrition.

The group’s performance is the result of a balanced strategy that builds on international expansion, a growing commitment to innovation, and strengthening health-oriented brands. In order to live up to its ambitions, Danone invests heavily in Research & Development — €208 million in 2008. One hundred percent of projects currently in the pipeline focus on health and nutrition. Three centuries after the benefits of Evian mineral water were discovered, over a century after Blédine was first marketed, and nearly a century after the first Danone yoghurt was retailed in a pharmacy, health innovation remains more than ever a driver of the group’s business growth.

2008 confirmed that the previous year’s acquisition of the Dutch group Numico was strategically sound. With this move, Danone incorporated into its strategy two profitable, fast-growing health-oriented business lines: medical nutrition and baby nutrition. They naturally round off the group’s brand portfolio and are perfectly aligned with its mission to bring health through food to as many people as possible. Today Danone is the only food group to focus totally on health.

Danone AQUA – Danone is the world’s fastest moving consumer goods company, today focus in Dairy, Beverages, Baby Nutrition , Medical Nutrion which its misson to bring health through food to the largest number of people. Danone Aqua , as part of Danone Group, is a leading Beverage Company in Indonesia and no.1 Water producer in the World, currently is searching talent to join our company as :

1. Production Supervisor (PS)
2. Mechanical Engineer (ME)
3. Electrical Engineer (EE)
4. Technical Operator (TO)


At least D3 degree in Mechanical (ME,TO), Electrical (EE,TO), preferably S1 (PS) from reputable university
Working experience in food and beverages company at least 1 year (TO), 2 years (ME,EE) and 3 years (PS)
Strong technical skills of Injection, Blowing and Filling Machines (TO,ME), PLC, Driver Control & Instrumentation (EE) and Maintenance (EE,ME)
Strong leadership and managerial skills in lean manufacturing environment (PS)
Good command in English (PS,ME,EE,TO)
PC literacy in MS Office (PS,ME,EE,TO), AutoCAD (EE)
Willingness to be placed at Citeureup – Bogor
Should you consider yourself qualified for the position, please send your resume to:

Human Resources Dept – Danone AQUA
PO BOX 318 Post Code 16200
Not more than 17 July 2010. Only qualified candidates will be notified and invited for interview
or please sent your aplication via our mail below: